Friday, March 19, 2010

Chapter 4. Five approach

I'm just jotting down scrambled stuff in my head.

Five appoaches, narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography and case study, are indeed qualitative as they are. While reading this chapter, I realized what Eric mentioned the first week, qualitative are more about the value rather than efficiency or efficacy.
I don't like being told "as a pubic school teacher", but yes, I should think if the research were efficient or at least working for students!!! So basically I can't help considering about efficacy.
Is it now more on quantitative side?

The more I understand the feature of qualitative approaches, the more I start confusing of my research direction. Pieces of plan in my head are mostly about setting, method, expectation, assumption and so forth. And now I'm looking back of my philosophical framework based on the plan.
What do I want to do this for?
What am I expecting from my research?
What could be valuable for students?
Would it even be valuable?

Talking about the five apporach again, I know I should take case study.
But thinking about why, the purpose of my research, I might have to change or reconsider my research framework including the title.... main question.

It gave me a lot of wonders... and ended up with a bunch of questions for myself... ㅜ.ㅜ

1 comment:

  1. having a bunch of questions is a good thing . . . the only worry about that is if you cannot find a satisfactory answer to those questions and that the lack of answers keeps you form moving forward :( [it happens to me sometimes . . . ]

    I feel like you are making good progress in finding a comfortable place within these questions!

