Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Phenomenological study and ethnography

Phenomenological study, ethnography looks similar in data collection and its analysis. Although the boundary for study is quite different.

For ethnoghraphy, the researcher mostly should be inner member of the research group to observe closely. According to the characteristics, the result is also stated by the researcher in many of the sample societies. So it might be biased or vague depending on the observer's view. And it could establish validity through prior and ongoing study on the similar society.

For phenomenological study, the general procedure is not much different from it of case study. Through interview, observation and drawing with the participants, the researcher is able to get certain image of the topic. And based on collected data, the researcher categorized them into a range of items.
Again, like case study, it established validity through collecting much data as possible, and verification should be conducted as well.

For both of qualitative researches, the idea that researcher must have fun doing researches was in my mind. Generally that's the merit of qualitative research, which is good for myself.


  1. Hi Chan Mi, how are you? I like your post. I agree that qualitative research is fun. I was worried that doing a thesis would be boring. Now that I plan to do an ethnography, I think it will be fun and satisfying.
    I think that you are right, that a phenomenological study is similar to a case study. I still am not sure when one thing can be a phenomenon or not. I guess we will find out tonight. See you then.Cheers,Chad

  2. finding the value in what you do is always a struggle (accept for the "simple and the saints" to borrow and idea from Joseph Conrad). I hope you are finding your feet :)!

