Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chapter 3. gave me a bit of freedom

Chapter 3 is informing about gerneral formation of qualitative research.
The main questions are key characteristics, reasons for qualitative researchs, requirements, how to design and what to be addressed in proposal.

1. the chracteristics for my project: researcher as key instrument, multiple sources of data, inductive data analysis, participants' meanings, emergent design, and holistic account.

2. when to use qualitative research: just like I'm considering, when a problem or issue needs to be explored.

3. the process: start an issue or problem - examine the literature - pose questions, gather data, analyze them, and write up their reports. ; but no standard or accepted structure
- topic : about emotion laden, close to people, and practical
- questions change
- vary data collection
- examine the data inductively
- involve participants in the study
- review how participants profit.

Key message: Begin not with the methods -- but instead with the broad assumptions central to qualitative inquiry, a worldview consistent with it, and in many cases, a theoretical lens that shapes the study.

: Start with a single focus.

4. Data collection and analysis:
- rigorous data collection (committable and accurate at the same time)
- analyze data using multiple level of abstraction (including unusual angle or unexpected perspective)
- engage the reader
- reflect the history, culture, and personal experiences fo the researcher (think about the case "전영주's grammar teaching in English - she was talking about what she did and interpreted.")

5. proposal: take references of 4 examples.

The shift I could make at this moment:

First, I must go back to the first doorstep of considering value for a litter more while to understand clearly the core concept of my project. It says, "begin with a single focus" and "incorporate the comparison or relating factors."

Second, no more wasting time on methodology, but rather spending more time on assumption, worldviews and try to elilicit the core concept I'm willing to study.

Third, not necessarily set a range of questions, methods, procedure. They could change or shift during the porcess. Just committ to extensive time to conduct tasks, collect and analyse data.

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